What do I need? (Hence the multiple expression marks in the post's title...and throughout the post)
Of course, then I ask myself,
"Self, what about sewing and quilting time?"
"The time I'm supposed to be using for sewing and quilting! Yes, I need more!!!"
"When do I get that time back, Self?"
"When you are sleeping and wish to not be, and succeed!"
Now, pretend that I didn't just tell myself to start quilting and sewing instead of sleeping.....yep....I said pretend. Whilst my desk may be cluttered and unconventionally accumulating "stuff" right now, the rest of my sewing studio/office isn't that bad right now. I promise! I didn't say it is spectacularly clean. I said NOT THAT BAD.....
So, right now, I need TIME to work on sewing/quilting projects and get them completed....
....and yes, please pretend also that I didn't just talk to myself through my blog where everyone can see it....
.....to be continued...
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